A Step-by-Step Guide to Decluttering Your Wardrobe and Finding Serenity

assorted clothes hanged inside cabinet
Photo by Victoria Rain on Pexels.com

Introduction – A Step-by-Step Guide to Decluttering Your Wardrobe and Finding Serenity:

A cluttered wardrobe can be a source of stress and frustration, making it difficult to find what you need and leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

Fortunately, decluttering your wardrobe doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a systematic approach and a bit of determination, you can transform your closet into a serene and organised space. Doing this will leave you with only the clothes and accessories you like to wear, not everything you ever bought.

In this article, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide to decluttering your wardrobe, helping you create a more streamlined and efficient space for your clothes and accessories.

Free wardrobe image

Step 1 Set Your Goals:

Before embarking on any project, goal setting is an excellent first step. Ask yourself why you want to declutter your wardrobe. Do you need help finding what you are looking for? Do you wish to pare down your garments for a more minimalist look?

Whether creating a minimalist capsule wardrobe or simply getting rid of clothes you no longer wear, having a clear vision will motivate and guide you throughout the process.

Step 2: Set aside dedicated time:

Decluttering your wardrobe requires time and focus, so set aside a specific time when you will be free of other commitments and won’t be interrupted. Ensure you eliminate distractions by visiting the bathroom before you start, having a drink on hand, and your phone in another room. Why not tune into some music to make the process more enjoyable?

Depending on the size of your wardrobe and the amount of clutter, this could range from a few hours to an entire day. Having dedicated time will allow you to work through the process without feeling rushed.

close up of clothes hanging in store
Photo by Rene Asmussen on Pexels.com

Step 3: Empty Your Wardrobe

Start the decluttering process by emptying your entire wardrobe. This step may seem overwhelming, but evaluating your clothing inventory and making intentional decisions is crucial.

As you take each item out, carefully examine it and ask yourself some key questions: Do I wear this? Does it fit me well? Is it in good condition? Have I worn it in the past year? If the answer is no, it might be time to let it go.

Unsure about some of the above? Try on your clothes to see whether it fits. Don’t be tempted to think you’ll diet back into trousers that are too small or keep oversized jumpers in case your weight changes. Of course, our weight fluctuates, but by the time old clothes might fit again, the fashion will have changed.

Hang your clothes with hangers turned back to front, and only turn them the right way around once you have worn them. Any item of clothing not worn in the past six months, discard. Unless, of course, they are seasonal or special occasion pieces.

Step 4: Sort into Categories

To make the decluttering process more manageable, sort your clothes into categories. Common categories include tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, and accessories.

Doing this will help you see the number of items you own in each category and help you identify anything you have too much or not enough of. It will also facilitate decision-making as you move forward, downsizing your clothing.

happy young woman choosing pullovers on hangers
Photo by Liza Summer on Pexels.com

Step 5: Declutter with Purpose

Now comes the heart of the decluttering process. Take each category and assess each item individually. Consider factors such as fit, style, and personal attachment.

Create three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard. The “keep” pile should only include items you love, wear regularly, and that fit well. For the donate/sell pile, think about things that no longer serve you but may still bring value to someone else. Discard items that are damaged or worn beyond repair. Check out my blog post, From Clothes to Electronics: Where to Donate Your Unwanted Items, for ideas of where to donate clothing in good condition.

Step 6: Organise and Optimise Space

Once you have decided which items to keep, it’s time to organise them to maximise your wardrobe space.

Consider using storage solutions such as hanging organisers, shelves, and drawer dividers.

Group similar items together and arrange them by category or colour for easier access. This will make your wardrobe visually appealing and make it easier to find what you need when getting dressed.

Step 7: Establish a Maintenance Routine

Decluttering your wardrobe is not a one-time task. To prevent future clutter, establish a maintenance routine. Regularly assess your closet and remove any items that no longer serve you. Whenever you purchase something new, consider whether it aligns with your goals and complements your existing pieces. You can maintain a clutter-free space by being mindful of what you bring into your wardrobe.

eccentric woman with shoes in wardrobe
Photo by Christian Diokno on Pexels.com


Decluttering your wardrobe may initially seem daunting, but by following a systematic approach, you can transform your closet into an organised and serene space.

Remember to set clear goals, sort your clothes into categories, declutter purposefully, optimise your space, and establish a maintenance routine. With each step, you’ll find yourself letting go of the unnecessary and creating a wardrobe that reflects your style and brings you joy.

Embrace the process and enjoy the newfound simplicity and peace that a decluttered wardrobe can bring.

Want to read more? Check out my other article on wardrobe decluttering and creating a capsule wardrobe below:




Bettina Anna Trabant, Founder of Life Organised, your professional organising and decluttering service in East London. Eco-conscious minimalist and avid tea drinker,

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