Diary of my week on a digital detox.

Introduction Last week I gave you a summary of what a digital detox entails and why you should do one. If you haven’t seen it, click here. Today I want to tell you how I got on with doing a digital detox for a week 

What is a Digital Detox, and Why Should You Don One?

Introduction to a Digital Detox In 2023 technology is ever present in our lives, from smartphones to tablets that we use throughout the day. A life without digital devices would be unimaginable even for older people like me, who grew up without smartphones or computers. 

Beginners Guide to Building a Second Brain

Beginners Guide to Building a Second Brain – Introduction One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There’s always more than you can cope with. Marshall McLuhan While Wikipedia, eBooks and the wider 

What to do with Unwanted Christmas Gifts in 2023

Introduction It’s January, and Christmas is well and truly over. We have discarded our tree, packed away the decoration for another year and eaten the last of our seasonal chocolates. But what about the gifts? That ugly floral blouse mum bought me, the bottle of 

Welcome to 2023 and our updated blog!

Welcome 2023 Welcome to 2023, and welcome to the updated blog of life Organised! I am so glad you found this blog and our website! I hope we won’t disappoint! Welcome! For 2023 we have spruced up our website and blog. We have many exciting