What is a morning routine, and why should you have one?

Introduction According to bestselling author Hal Elrod, ‘Focused, productive successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful days – which inevitably create a successful life.’ While I agree with the above statement, how do we get to have focused, productive, successful mornings? Simple answer is to have 

Services of Life Organised

You might have read my blog posts for a while and found some valuable tips and tricks. Now you want to take your organising a step further, as in actually doing it. We’ve all procrastinated about tackling something by doing endless prep, reading articles, and 

Why it’s important to have a break from it all!

Dear Readers, I hope you are all well and enjoying the last few summer days before autumn begins. I have been away from my desk for two weeks and have not written a blog post. But I have not been lazy or neglected my writing. 

Who is the woman behind the blog?

Professional Organisers come in all shapes and sizes and so do bloggers. Some of us are old, some of us are black, and some of us are female. Ever wondered what kind of person I am? Read on to find out. Below I will answer 

Podcast on Decluttering and Productivity

Introduction – Podcast on Decluttering and Productivity Every day after my morning cuppa, I go on a long walk. While tracking around the Hackney Marshes and the River Lea, I often listen to podcasts about productivity and decluttering. I use Pocket Casts as my app