Free Guide to Reducing Food Waste
A short piece written by my colleagues at APDO about reducing food waste.
You’re going to want to read this!
Do you throw food away as soon as the BB4 date arrives? Are you storing your food properly? Do you do all of your shopping in one place?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these then you’re going to thank us later. Read our 5 tips to find out why…
1. Best before dates relate to the quality of the food rather than the safety of the food. It is use-by dates that determine whether a food item is still safe to eat. Also you can do a basic smell check to determine if food has gone off. So don’t bin it until you’ve sniffed it!
2. Did you know…According to WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) items such as crisps, biscuits and cakes can last between one and six months after their best before date
3. Remember to write the date you opened items such as sauces and dips so that you know when its time is up.
4. Batch cooking, using a slow cooker, can not only save energy costs but can give you a meal that keeps on giving.
5. Shop around! You can make big savings by researching offers at different shops, going to markets and buying ‘in-season’ produce.