Silence is Golden

Silence is Golden – Introduction We’ve all heard the ancient Egyptian proverb:  “Speech is silver, and silence is golden.” But be honest with yourself. When was the last time you were genuinely silent? In our modern world, silence has become a rare commodity. We are 

To Kindle or Not to Kindle?

Introduction – What is an eBook Reader? Some people think that books furnish a room, while others consider excess books clutter and prefer eBooks. eBook readers first came to the market in 2004 with the pioneering Sony Librie. However, the idea dates back to the 

Five Benefits of adopting a minimalist wardrobe

Introduction — Five Benefits of adopting a minimalist wardrobe The minimalism trend is a design and lifestyle movement that gained popularity in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It is characterised by simplicity, functionality, and the idea that “less is more.” You can apply 

Embracing Eco-Friendly Living: A Guide to a Greener Home

Introduction – Embracing Eco-Friendly Living: A Guide to a Greener Home In a world increasingly aware of environmental issues, making sustainable choices at home has become more crucial than ever. Adopting a greener lifestyle benefits the planet and contributes to personal well-being. Here’s a comprehensive 

Spring Clearing Week – 18 – 24 March 2024

Introduction – Spring Clearing Week – 18 – 24 March 2024 Launched in 2018, Spring Clearing Week is APDO’s annual initiative to help the UK to declutter. APDO’s members across the UK and beyond will advise and encourage you to clear your home and spaces