Silence is Golden

Notice reading silence

Silence is Golden – Introduction

We’ve all heard the ancient Egyptian proverb:  “Speech is silver, and silence is golden.” But be honest with yourself. When was the last time you were genuinely silent?

In our modern world, silence has become a rare commodity. We are constantly bombarded by noise and stimulation. People turn on the TV or radio as soon as they get up, scroll social media while on the bus, and listen to their colleagues in big open-plan offices. Our world is getting noisier.

Justin Zorn and Leigh Marz say just that in an article for Vox entitled: The power of silence in a deafening world.

“There are louder and more ubiquitous TVs and speakers in public spaces and open-plan offices. Across Europe, an estimated 450 million people, roughly 65 percent of the population, live with noise levels that the World Health Organization deems hazardous to health.

It’s a measurable fact: The world is getting louder.”

So, what is silence? Why do so many of us fear it? What are the benefits of silence, and how do we achieve it? Read on to find out.

Pier shrouded in mist

What is silence?

Psych Central, in an article on the fear of silence, defines it as follows:

Silence is the absence of intentional sound. Intentional sounds are the things we turn on, such as TVs and iPods; words spoken or heard in a conversation; music, such as humming or tapping; and the noise of tools, keyboards, or other objects. Sounds that remain are unavoidable. So silence is purposeful quiet. Some find it unsettling.

To me, silence means not making deliberate, avoidable sounds or exposing myself to deliberate, avoidable sounds. This could include not turning on any devices, singing or talking.

Why do people fear it?

In a nutshell, people start thinking when not stimulated by outside noise. People would often rather avoid thoughts as they can bring up unwanted emotions.

Thoughts can make you feel helpless as it makes you realise how little control you have over many aspects of your life.

Thoughts also make you aware of issues you might rather avoid. An Ex of mine had a shopping and gym addiction. She kept herself from addressing past trauma by going to the gym for 3 hours a day and shopping whenever money allowed.

Sadly, many people have become so addicted to their electronic devices that they treat them as an additional limp to their bodies. Consequently, being without them makes people feel helpless, lost, and irritable.

Person sitting at a bench with table looking at water.

Why silence is golden.

Silence Reduces Stress

Stress is part and parcel of modern life, and a certain amount of Stress can be beneficial as it keeps people motivated and stick to deadlines. But too much Stress can be a bad thing. In 2023, according to the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of the UK population have experienced some form of Stress that left them unable to cope.

Silence can reduce Stress. According to a study compiled in 2006, two minutes of silence can be more calming than listening to relaxing music. This was down to a change in blood pressure and blood circulation.

Silence Improves Mental Clarity

Silence Improves Mental Clarity, as without the noise around you, it can be easier to concentrate, think, and come up with solutions.

Enhances Creativity

Creativity is an essential part of human activity. Silence can contribute to letting your imagination run riot and get your creative juices flowing. Many writers and artists spend time daily going for a walk and thinking about the work they must do. This is what Calm say about silence and enhanced creativity:

Quiet moments can spark your best ideas. When it’s silent, your mind can wander and dream up all sorts of creative things. It’s like planting a seed in a garden, nurturing it, and watching it grow.

Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is critical for building and maintaining healthy relationships, allowing for effective communication, resolving conflicts, and building trust. Emotional regulation requires self-control, self-awareness, and empathy with others.

Silence can allow you to reflect, press the pause button and understand your feelings better.

Increase Self Awareness

“By immersing yourself in silence, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, fostering personal growth and introspection.” (Whisper Room Inc)

Silence can help you observe and accept your thoughts and feelings, thus making you more self-aware. Stillness makes you more aware of your body as well.

Enhances Concentration

Silence also aids in concentration. Overstimulation and multi-tasking can lead to losing concentration and not doing things at their best.

“Silence aids concentration,” explains Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo, a psychologist in Chicago, Illinois. “One of the reasons why silence has become such an important part of everyday life is the ability to focus when the modern world and its many noises bombard your brain all at once.” (PsychCentral)

Increases Productivity

Productivity often gets a bad rep as people associate it with work, corporate culture or concepts like Fordism and Taylorism. Many think productivity does not apply to our lives, especially those not employed in the corporate sector.

However, I believe that being more productive is something everyone should aspire to be. Everyone should incorporate personal productivity into their lives as everyone will benefit from it. For me, productivity is simply a means to an end: spending less time on the things you need and more time on what you want. To learn more, read my earlier article What is Personal Productivity, and Why Does it Matter?

Reducing background noise and clutter vastly improves your ability to concentrate and, therefore, be more productive.

Body Relaxation

In addition to being good for the soul, silence also impacts your body.

“When you cultivate silence and solitude, your whole body will relax, which can lead to physical healing.

“Relaxation is a primary mechanism for healing,” says Buttimer. “When you are under stress, your body’s natural repair mechanisms are disabled.” (Piedmont)

Bench on top of a hill with must in the back

How do we achieve silence?


People have been practising meditation for thousands of years, and many cultures and religions have recognised its benefits for overall wellness. In recent years, scientific research has also confirmed the positive effects of meditation on the body and mind. From reducing stress to improving sleep and boosting creativity, the benefits of meditation are numerous and diverse. There are many different types of meditation; we can practise them via an app, in a meditation group, or in our living room. Healthline lists nine popular types:

mindfulness meditation

spiritual mediation

focused meditation

movement meditation

mantra mediation

transcendental meditation

progressive relaxation

loving-kindness meditation

visualisation meditation

While each type of meditation varies, one thing they all have in common is the requirement to sit still and besilent. For a more in-depth look at meditation and wellness, check out my article The Benefits Of Meditation For Overall Wellness.

Go for a walk

Walking or sitting in nature is a source of Vitamin D and a great way to unwind from a busy day or gather your focus for what lies ahead. I am an avid hiker and have solved many problems with work or private conundrums on long hikes. I have faffed over countless cute four-legged creatures. Who doesn’t feel heartwarming at seeing a cute sheep or goat? Suppose you go to a woodland or a park without listening to music or playing around with your phone. Walks can be a great source of silence.

Put away your phone and unplug it from your devices.

To achieve silence without leaving your house or meditating, unplug from your devices and plonk yourself on the sofa doing nothing for a while. You could also enjoy your favourite drink while listening to the sound of the kettle.

Silence is Golden – Conclusion

The above should give you a good idea of why I believe silence is golden and why you should try out silence.

Do you have further questions or need help? Why not give Life Organised a call?

Bettina Anna Trabant, Founder of Life Organised, your professional organising and decluttering service in East London. Eco-conscious minimalist and avid tea drinker,

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