How many shoes do I need?

Introduction – How many Pairs of Shoes Do I need? Are you a one-shoe person, or have you got more than you can count? Ever wondered whether you have too many shoes or how many you need? Well, the correct number for any person depends 

It might come in handy one day!

Ever kept something you haven’t used in months because you thought it might come in handy one day? It’s common for people to hold on to belonging for fear of needing it someday in the distant future. But when is someday, and what does need 

Sorting and Storing your CDs

The first thing you might ask when glancing at the title is why I still have CDs in the age of Spotify, iTunes and co. Good question. Here are my reasons, and perhaps those resonate with others. So now we have established why I hold 

No one Is Perfect

Been on Instagram? Watched YouTube? Following your favourite productivity guru or minimalist on some social media channel or other? Find it all looks so perfect, and you are about to give up on your life organising journey? Because how can you possibly compete with Don, 

How I Process my emails

Introduction Friends and acquaintances always say they are struggling to process their emails. They think I spend ages in my inbox getting it to Zero. Unfortunately, most people would rather not deal with their emails than find an efficient way of going through their inbox