Why Everyone should Meal Plan

Introduction – Why Everyone Should Meal Plan Whether you are an enthusiastic amateur chef, have a large family or feel meh about cooking, you should be meal planning. Meal planning will make your food more varied, improve your nutrition, prevent food waste and preserve your 

What is a Professional Organiser and what do we do?

In a nutshell, a professional organiser is someone who organises other people’s physical and digital belongings such as photographs, paperwork, or clothing. The most famous personal organiser that springs to mind is Japanese-born Marie Kondo, who has been sparking joy in people’s lives since 1997 

No-Buy February – What is a No-Buy Challenge?

Introduction In last week’s blog, I talked about curbing impulse shopping to save money and clutter to become a more mindful shopper. This week’s post will speak of my No Buy Challenge, which I’ve set for February 2022. So, what is a No Buy Challenge? 

Impulse Buying – How to avoid it?

What is Impulse Buying Simply put, impulse buying is buying anything that you hadn’t planned to purchase or budgeted for. It could be something as small as a chocolate bar when grocery shopping wasn’t on your list. We’ve all grabbed little items that are so 

What to do with unwanted Christmas gifts?

It’s January, and Christmas is well and truly over. We have discarded our tree, packed away the decorations for another year, and eaten the last of our seasonal chocolates. But what about the gifts? That ugly floral blouse mum bought me, the bottle of gin