Tag: Challenge

Shine Walk 2023 – I did it!

Dear Readers, Today is going to be a slightly different blog post than usual! I have something exciting to share with you. Despite various bones in my body aching, I feel on top of the world; I did the Shine Night Walk London 2023. I 

Diary of my week on a digital detox.

Introduction Last week I gave you a summary of what a digital detox entails and why you should do one. If you haven’t seen it, click here. Today I want to tell you how I got on with doing a digital detox for a week 

No-Buy Month -How did I get on?

  Introduction Let’s get the scoring out of the way. I failed! No, ten out of ten. Below is my diary of my No-Buy Month and how I got on.   Tuesday 01.02.2022 Today is the day I am starting my no-buy challenge; I am