Is Minimalism just for the rich?

Introduction – Is Minimalism just for the rich?

Minimalism is often associated with simplicity, frugality, and the rejection of consumerism. On the contrary, it’s a philosophy that encourages people to live with fewer possessions, prioritize experiences over material things, and focus on what truly matters in life.

However, in recent years, Minimalism has become a trend among the wealthy. For many of the rich and famous, Minimalism is not just about living with less. It’s about living with only the best. It’s about curating a carefully selected collection of high-end designer goods and luxury items and displaying them in an immaculately designed space.

It is undoubtedly true that Minimalism is often practised by the better-off in society. The question remains whether Minimalism is just for the wealthy or if ordinary people can live a Minimalist life too. Read on to find out.

Minimal abstract architectural 3D illustration
Minimalist building

Is Minimalism just for the rich?

The above version of Minimalism may seem exclusive and elitist, but it’s essential to recognize that everyone’s understanding of Minimalism is different. For some, it’s about living with only the essentials, while for others, it’s about living with only the best.

Whether rich or poor, you can declutter your excess belongings and live with fewer possessions. For me, this does not depend on your financial situation.

Having said the above being financially stable means that you can buy items of better quality that last longer than if you are a worker on the minimum wage or unemployed.

The important thing is to remember that Minimalism should never be used to flaunt wealth or status. Instead, it should be seen as a way to simplify one’s life, reduce clutter, and focus on what truly brings joy and meaning.

For the rich, Minimalism can be a way to shift their focus from accumulating possessions to accumulating experiences. By living with fewer but higher quality possessions, they can enjoy the things they have more fully and not be constantly burdened by the need to acquire more.

Minimalism has different definitions, and it is not just about material possessions. Minimalism can also be about simplifying all aspects of your life, including relationships, work, and even digital clutter. Finally, it’s about focusing on what truly matters and letting go of the rest.

Some would also say that Minimalism can be an aesthetic pursuit where your house looks minimalist and clean, while others don’t care much about the aesthetics and might have old, heavy or colourful furniture. Again, there is no right or wrong way to do Minimalism.


In conclusion, Minimalism is not just for the rich. It can be a valuable philosophy for those who have the means to live a more luxurious lifestyle. However, the wealthy need to remember that Minimalism should never be used to flaunt their wealth or status. It should rather be used as a way to simplify their lives and focus on what truly brings joy.

To learn more about Minimalism, please check out my earlier post here, giving a detailed definition of Minimalism.

Bettina Anna Trabant, Founder of Life Organised, your professional organising and decluttering service in East London. Eco-conscious minimalist and avid tea drinker,

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