From Clothes to Electronics: Where to Donate Your Unwanted Items

Introduction – From Clothes to Electronics: Where to Donate Your Unwanted Items You have decluttered your house and done a spring clear. You are now left with bin bags and boxes of unwanted clutter in your home that is too good for you to recycle 

Tips & Tricks On Writing the Perfect To-Do List

Introduction – Tips & Tricks On Writing the Perfect To-Do List Since its inception by Charles Schwab in the early 1900s, the to-do list has been a productivity tool millions use worldwide. As with many productivity concepts, there is not a one-size-fits-all. Instead, there are 

5 Simple Tips to Organise Your Office

Introduction – 5 Simple Tips to Organise Your Office Since the COVID pandemic in 2020, more and more people have been working from home across the globe. So, whether you thrive in your home office or do it out of necessity, it is one more 

YouTube Channels to watch in 2023.

Introduction It’s the middle of February, the time of year to snuggle up under the duvet with a good book and a cuppa. It’s also the time for binging on a Netflix Series or rewatching your favourite movies. Perhaps you want to try something new 

My thoughts on a digital detox

Introduction – My thoughts on a digital detox In the last two blog posts, I outlined a digital detox and why you might benefit from doing one. I also presented you with the diary I took during my digital detox. Website Game Quitters in the