Why it’s important to have a break from it all!

Woman sitting by the water

Dear Readers,

I hope you are all well and enjoying summer. I will be away from my desk for two weeks and will not publish or write a blog post.

But I will not be lazy or neglect my writing. On the contrary, I will do some thinking and planning and be back with more awesome content in September.

While productivity and being organised are essential, resting your body and mind is also important. Doing nothing can be productive if your body tells you to stop. It is productive to stop and rest because it will rejuvenate you and give you the energy to achieve more great things in the future. Think of it like recharging your phone or tablet!

Why are so many more people taking time off work with stress, insomnia, or mental health issues? And why are so many more people getting ill with chronic fatigue, diabetes, depression, anxiety and the like? I am not a doctor, but I can tell you that many illnesses are related to our modern lifestyle. We rush around, don’t rest, eat properly, and feel the need to be constantly on the go.

This is not what productivity is about. Productivity is not about being busy 24/7/. Productivity is about being organised so you can achieve more with less effort in the eight or so hours set aside for work each day. It is also about spending less time on what you NEED to do and more time on what you WANT to do. I have done just that for the past two weeks. Reading, swimming, drinking tea and arguing with my family. (Well, the last bit I didn’t quite want to do or enjoy all that much, but hey, Ho!)

So, after a well-earned break, I will be back with exciting new content. Watch this space!

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