What is the tiny house movement?

Introduction – What is the Tiny House Movement? Ever heard of the tiny house movement or wondered what it would be like to live in a small space? The tiny house movement originated in the US and was first popularised by Jay Shafer, who designed 

Who are the Minimalists?

Introduction – Who are the Minimalists? Since around 2019, I’ve been on the minimalist journey. There have been several articles on this blog dealing with Minimalism. Most recently, I have debunked the top misconceptions about Minimalism.  I am not alone in my minimalism journey. There 

Early Birds and Night Owls: Embracing the Differences in Our Biological Clocks

Introduction – Early Birds and Night Owls: Embracing the Differences in Our Biological Clocks Have you ever wondered why some people are naturally inclined to wake up early while others thrive in the late hours of the night? Want to find out which one you 

Say Goodbye to Overwhelm: How Calendar Blocking Can Help You Stay on Track

Table of Content Introduction – What Is Calendar Blocking? What Is Calendar Blocking? Time-blocking mistakes. Benefits of Calendar blocking Conclusion – What Is Calendar Blocking? Introduction ­ What Is Calendar Blocking? Julia Martins, in an article entitled Are you time blocking your Calendar? Here’s why 

5 Tips for Organising your life and Clutter for better mental health

Introduction- 5 Tips for Organising your life and Clutter for better mental health Apart from the usual teenage angst, up until age 23, I knew nothing about mental health. I had never met anyone who suffered from it. However, this was about to change when