Five of the best resources to learn about minimalism

Introduction – Five of the best resources to learn about minimalism Minimalism has become a trendy buzzword and a lifestyle choice for many. It is also a concept that has divided the crowds between those who love it and those who think it’s a fad 

Save Your Photos Month

September is Save Your Photos Month — with free classes and useful tips for organizing and enjoying family memories. Save Your Photos Month, now in its 9th year, is a global event dedicated to assisting families in organizing, preserving, sharing, and cherishing their photo and 

Why it’s important to have a break from it all!

Dear Readers, I hope you are all well and enjoying summer. I will be away from my desk for two weeks and will not publish or write a blog post. But I will not be lazy or neglect my writing. On the contrary, I will 

Embracing Digital Minimalism: Simplify Your Digital Life

Introduction – Embracing Digital Minimalism: Simplify Your Digital Life Technology has become an integral part of our lives in our hyperconnected world. We rely on digital devices for work, communication, entertainment, and information. However, the constant influx of notifications, social media updates, and digital distractions 

8 Tips and Tricks to Digitise Your Paperwork

Introduction: 8 Tips and Tricks to Digitise Your Paperwork In today’s digital era, the transition from physical paperwork in ring binders or filing cabinets to digital documents offers numerous benefits. Digitising your paperwork helps you reduce clutter and save space and enables more effortless organisation,